We aim to provide the highest level of service to all of our clients and we are pleased to say that
feedback from our clients suggests that we are successful in achieving our aim. However, the
Legal Ombudsman has asked all solicitors to provide clients with a copy of our complaints
procedures at the point of engagement or as soon afterwards as is practicable.
We hope you will not have cause to complain, but if do you are invited to let us know as soon as
Complaints Made by Telephone
You may wish to make a complaint in writing and, if so, please follow the procedure in
paragraph 2 and 3 below. However, if you would rather speak on the telephone about your
complaint then please telephone Greg Powell on 020 7604 5600. Mr Powell will make a note of
the details of your complaint and what you would like done about it. He will discuss your concerns
with you and aim to resolve them. If the matter is resolved he will record the outcome, check that
you are satisfied with the outcome and record that you are satisfied. You may also wish to record
the outcome of the telephone discussion in writing. Mr Powell will in any case write to you to
confirm the outcome.
If your complaint is not resolved on the telephone you will be invited to write to us about it within
the next 14 days so that it can be investigated formally.
Complaints made in Writing
Please give the following details:
• Your name and address;
• Which member(s) of Powell Spencer & Partners you are complaining about;
• The detail of the complaint; and
• What you would like done about it.
Please address your letter to the Greg Powell, 270 Kilburn High Road, London, NW6 2BY. We
will, where possible, acknowledge receipt of your complaint within seven days and provide you
with details of how your complaint will be dealt with.
Mr Powell will investigate your complaint and reply to you within 28 days. If he finds later that
he is not going to be able to reply within 28 days he will set a new date for him reply and inform
His reply will set out:
• The nature and scope of his investigation;• His conclusion on each complaint and the basis for her conclusion; and
• If he finds that you are justified in your complaint, his proposals for resolving the complaint.
There may be occasions when the Mr Powell decides that your complaint should be
investigated by a panel or another solicitor. If such a decision is made then the head of the panel
or the nominated solicitor will reply to you with the information listed at paragraph 4.
All conversations and documents relating to the complaint will be treated as confidential and
will be disclosed only to the extent that is necessary. Disclosure will be to Greg Powell, members
of our management committee and to anyone involved in the complaint and its investigation.
Such people will include the member of staff whom you have complained about and the person
who investigates the complaint if that is not the Greg Powell. The Solicitors’ Regulation Authority
is entitled to inspect the documents and to seek information about the complaint when
discharging its auditing and monitoring functions.
Our Policy
As part of our commitment to client care we make a written record of any complaint and retain
all documents and correspondence generated by the complaint for a period of six years. Our
management committee inspects the record regularly and will, if appropriate, make changes to
our procedures with a view to improving services.
Complaints to the Legal Ombudsman
If you are unhappy with the outcome of our investigation you may take up your complaint with
the Legal Ombudsman, the independent complaints body for complaints about lawyers, at the
conclusion of our consideration of your complaint. The Ombudsman is not able to consider your
complaint until it has first been investigated by Powell Spencer & Partners. Please note that the
Legal Ombudsman has a six year limit from the date of the act or omission about which you are
complaining (or three years from the date you realised there had been and act or omission) within
which to make your complaint. You can write to them at:
Legal Ombudsman
PO Box 6806
Telephone number: 0300 555 0333
The time limit for a person to complain to the Legal Ombudsman is six months from the date of our written response to your complaint.
Complaints to the Solicitors Regulation Authority
The Solicitors Regulation Authority is a separate organisation to whom you make a complaint with if you believe we have breached any of the SRA Principles.
Details on making a complaint with the SRA can be found here.
RT @JanetDaby Today I called on the Government to do more to help criminal legal aid solicitors.
Despite the warm words from @MoJGovUK many smaller firms are struggling financially and Tory cuts are making this situation worse.
My constituents deserve access to justice.
Saloud joined Powell Spencer & Partners in August 2012 after graduating from Brunel University obtaining a first class degree in Economics. Saloud became a Partner in 2018.
Saloud is a qualified Costs Lawyer and leads the firm’s internal costs drafting and costs litigation department, ranging from legal aid to private client.
In recent years Saloud has established a very successful client base and receives instructions ranging from Top 100 firms to Sole Practitioners. Saloud specialises in legal aid costs and provides a wealth of experience with preparing claim forms, drafting bill of costs, complex high cost case plans, points of dispute and replies and advising on general billing procedures.
Saloud is a member of the Association of Costs Lawyers (ACL).
Saloud was appointed to the Legal Aid Agency's Review Panel as an Independent Costs Assessor in August 2021.
Professional Testimonials
Saloud is our cost draftsman and he has made a massive difference to the efficiency of this practice and my day to day working life! He has extensive knowledge of criminal legal aid billing and has been able to guide and advise all our staff in this area. He is easy to approach and friendly as well as incredibly efficient and hardworking. He provides an excellent level of service to our firm. I would not hesitate to recommend him.
— Shila Kesvari, Partner Of Edward Fail, Bradshaw & Waterson
Saloud Zaman receives my instructions in respect of preparing my criminal and prison law bills which are submitted to the Legal Aid Agency for assessment and payment. I would describe Saloud as having an encyclopaedic knowledge of the rules and guidance in respect of billing files correctly in accordance with the provisions as set out under the Legal Aid contract. Saloud's approach has always been professional yet approachable as he always provides solid and clear advice as and when required. Saloud is also exceptionally hardworking and very diligent. He provides a professional service throughout and comes highly recommended.
— Semin Taner, Associate Of Russell-Cooke Solicitors
I have no hesitation in recommending your services and am grateful for your knowledge, diligence and thoroughness in costing my files.
— Simon Grove, Partner Of JD Spicer Zeb Solicitors
I have instructed you to provide cost drafting services for my firm for over 18 months. Almost all the files I have sent you have been legally aided care cases. I have allowed you access to my firm's CCMS account to enable you to prepare and submit bills. I have been satisfied with the work you have done and continue to instruct you. I am a partner in my firm and have been a solicitor for over thirty years.
— Maurice Guyer, Partner Of Vickers & Co Solicitors
Contact A Solicitor Today
© 2020 Powell Spencer & Partners. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (Registration No. 57736).
Partners: Greg Powell, Zaman Legal Services Ltd (Directors: Sinead Zaman, Saloud Zaman)
All payments are made in Pound Sterling (£ GBP)